The San Miguel Mine
(41 acres)
Judith Basin County, Montana
Sale Pending
(41 acres)
Judith Basin County, Montana
Sale Pending
Commodities: Gold, Silver
• Claim designation: Unpatented Lode
• Location: Judith Basin County, Montana
• Claim designation: Unpatented Lode
• Location: Judith Basin County, Montana
The San Miguel is a documented mineral property located in the Barker mining district of Northern Montana.
Featuring one of the largest Silver mines of the Barker district, five acres of high-grade mine spill, a small mountain-side creek holding flake Gold deposits, two standing miners' cabins built in the 1960s, and a secluded location with stunning views.
Silver in large quantities was first located by two separate men during the fall of 1879.
Near the prospector's finds, separate mining camps grew including Barker, named for E.A. “Buck” Barker and his Barker Mine near Galena Creek; and Hughesville, situated just two miles down the mountainside from Barker and named for Patrick Hughes and his Grey Eagle claim.
- Primary workings of the San Miguel consist of an inclined shaft driven to an estimated 1500', with estimated drifting on multiple levels. A caved haulage adit is present near the hillside base to meet the NW trending deposit.
- Estimated ore available ore grades are 0.25-1.89 OPT Au, with 8.5-72.00 OPT Ag and trace base metals
- Free milling Gold is available in the volcanically altered mineral-vein material.
The mine spill is comprised of mid-to-low-grade ore and granite host rock. Spanning over five acres, the mine spill is a significant secondary commodity of the mineral property.
- A moderately sized abandoned mining support town rests at the base of the mill site, with all structures standing, though in a state of disrepair.
The old mining town consists of the mine foreman's home, the worker's bunk house, a blacksmith shop, and a machine shop. Structures are estimated to have been constructed between the 1950s-1970s.
With the mine site construction estimated at 1920 or prior.
- In addition to the established workings, multiple virgin outcroppings of the epithermal Gold deposit are visible above and below the shaft area.
Access to the mine is available to any higher clearance and all 4x4 vehicles during the warmer months, with snowmobile access between December and March.
A large parking and staging area is available for multiple vehicles and campers.
This mine is available to the beginning enthusiast, up to an established mining company.