The Golden Willow
(40 acres)
Madison County, Montana
(40 acres)
Madison County, Montana
•Commodities: Gold, Silver Copper, Tungsten
• Claim designation: un-patented Lode/Placer
• Size: 40 acres
• Location: Madison County, Montana
• Claim designation: un-patented Lode/Placer
• Size: 40 acres
• Location: Madison County, Montana
The Golden Willow Mineral Property is a documented Gold, Silver, Copper, and Tungsten Mine in the Potosi mining district of Madison county, Montana.
Featuring underground workings, old miners' cabin remnants from the 1920s, over 1000' of creek access, and excellent access.
Previously known as the "Invincible Quartz Lode", the Golden Willow features documented assays of mine spill grab samples. Samples show:[ 0.10-1.00 opt Au(Gold)] [1.5-4.30 opt Ag(Silver)]and a high-grade Tungsten (Wolframite) deposit running at a 65% grade.
The Potosi district is known for Gold, Silver, Copper, and high-grade Tungsten deposits.
A satellite district of Virginia City, the area was located in the early 1880s for Gold and Silver values and later worked in the 1950s for Tungsten and Copper.
The mine spill consists of low-to-mid-grade ore and local host rock, providing a tertiary mineral reserve with profit potential.
The lode deposit consists of a mineralized quartz vein with Auriferous pyrites and free Gold, Argentiferous Galena, Malachite traces, and high-grade Wolframite.
Remnants of an old miners' cabin and cook stove rest near the parking and staging area of the mines.
The cabin is estimated to have been constructed and used by a small crew in the early 1920s.
Flower Gold, flakes, and small nuggets are known to the area, with richer deposits at greater depths.
Level parking areas are available to any size camper type, with open areas for multiple vehicles.
An excellent location for the beginning enthusiast, up to an established mining company.
Featuring underground workings, old miners' cabin remnants from the 1920s, over 1000' of creek access, and excellent access.
Previously known as the "Invincible Quartz Lode", the Golden Willow features documented assays of mine spill grab samples. Samples show:[ 0.10-1.00 opt Au(Gold)] [1.5-4.30 opt Ag(Silver)]and a high-grade Tungsten (Wolframite) deposit running at a 65% grade.
The Potosi district is known for Gold, Silver, Copper, and high-grade Tungsten deposits.
A satellite district of Virginia City, the area was located in the early 1880s for Gold and Silver values and later worked in the 1950s for Tungsten and Copper.
- Primary lode workings consist of an inclined shaft with dual graded mine spills and a secondary caved adit about 250' feet north of the shaft area.
- Secondary adit workings are estimated at 250'-400' feet in underground drifting at a 90-degree strike into the hillside deposit.
The mine spill consists of low-to-mid-grade ore and local host rock, providing a tertiary mineral reserve with profit potential.
The lode deposit consists of a mineralized quartz vein with Auriferous pyrites and free Gold, Argentiferous Galena, Malachite traces, and high-grade Wolframite.
Remnants of an old miners' cabin and cook stove rest near the parking and staging area of the mines.
The cabin is estimated to have been constructed and used by a small crew in the early 1920s.
- Placer Gold deposits are available on the creek level gravels, bedrock level, and upper terrace bank gravels.
- Estimated placer values are running at 0.45-to-1.2 Grams per yard.
Flower Gold, flakes, and small nuggets are known to the area, with richer deposits at greater depths.
- Access to the area is available to most 2wd vehicles and all 4x4 vehicles during the warmer months.
Level parking areas are available to any size camper type, with open areas for multiple vehicles.
An excellent location for the beginning enthusiast, up to an established mining company.