The Gold Bug Mine
(Lode Mining Claim)
(20.66 acres)
Broadwater County, Montana
Now Available!
(Lode Mining Claim)
(20.66 acres)
Broadwater County, Montana
Now Available!
•Primary Commodities: Gold
•Secondary Commodities: Silver
• Claim designation: un-patented Lode
• Size: 20.66acres
• Location: Broadwater County, Montana
•Secondary Commodities: Silver
• Claim designation: un-patented Lode
• Size: 20.66acres
• Location: Broadwater County, Montana
- Financing is available with a down payment of $1750.00 and monthly payments of $189.00
The Gold Bug mineral property is a well-documented producer of gold, silver, and copper, located within the historic Park/Hassle mining district of Montana. The property features underground workings on two levels, with a visible vein face exceeding two feet in width.
Nestled in the scenic mountains of Broadwater County, the Gold Bug is one of the largest available producers within the Slim Slam formation. The area is renowned for its rich deposits of epithermal volcanic composites, which contain significant gold values.
The quartz veins in this region are known to yield galena (silver ore), milling-grade gold, and auriferous pyrites. Additionally, base metals such as lead, zinc, and iron are present in varying concentrations.
Lode deposits in the Park district are primarily quartz veins in andesite, which are intruded by quartz monzonite. These veins are predominantly composed of auriferous pyrite, accompanied by arsenopyrite and galena, with gold being the principal commodity (Stone, 1911, p. 89-91).
Primary workings consist of a tunnel portal driven along a northeast-trending vein strike, with a raise and ore chute connecting to an older secondary-level drift located approximately 80 feet to the north of the primary portal.
The vein deposit is exposed on the northern face of the mine shaft, trending northeast to southeast at approximately 10 degrees. An exposed mineral vein face measures over 2 feet in width and 8.5 feet in length. The deposit is predominantly sulfide-based, with trace amounts of oxide pockets. Smelting techniques, followed by further purification methods, are recommended to maximize gold and silver recovery rates.
Mineral Estimates:
- Lode Deposit: Chip samples taken from the interior workings of the vein show assays of 0.75 ounces per ton (OPT) of gold (Au) and over 4.00 ounces per ton (OPT) of silver (Ag).
- Mine Spill: Mineral estimates from mine spills are 0.25 to 0.50 OPT Au and 0.89 to 3.75 OPT Ag.
- Trace amounts of copper, zinc, lead, and other base metals are present in varying quantities.
Access to the property is available to most high-clearance vehicles from May to late November. During the winter months, a forest service gate is closed. Parking and staging areas are conveniently located within 25 yards of the mine portal next to an old wooden fence.