The Jack Pine Mine
(20.66 acres)
Powell County, Montana
Now Available!
(20.66 acres)
Powell County, Montana
Now Available!
•Commodities: Phosphorus, Fluorite, Uranium, Rare Earth Elements
• Claim designation: un-patented lode
• Size: 20.66 acres
• Location: Powell County, Montana
•Financing available with $1750 down and monthly payments of $175.00
•Direct deed purchase options available
The Jack Pine is a documented Fluorite and Phosphorus producer in the Ophir district of Central Montana.
Historically production began during the 1930's for the war effort by aiding in precious Phosphorous for allied munitions and steel manufacturing.
After WWII, the mine was developed by the Bunker Hill mining company in the 1960's, with later testing and development by Newmont Gold in the 1980s.
Featuring dual-adits with historically documented workings over 1200', an old blacksmith shop, a hand-timbered ore sorting bin, and a substantially sized mine spill featuring multi-color Montana Fluorite specimens and quartz.
The Ophir district is mostly known for Gold production, though as with most mineralized districts, a multitude of economically viable mineral deposits such as Fluorite, Phosphorous, and rare earth elements are present in vast quantities.
Today, gem-grade fluorite crystals are highly sought after in the Gem and Mineral fields, in addition the the possible Gold and Silver values of the area, Phosphorous is also a sought-after commodity in many fields.
Primary workings consist of upper and lower adit workings from the 1930's-through the 1960's. Secondary workings consist of open stope surface workings and diamond drill sights.
Original underground workings will require overburden removal to continue underground exploration and development.
Surface outcroppings of the mineralized vein can be located above the primary mine entrance for additional testing.
About Rock Phosphate. Rock Phosphate is a gray or brown non-detrital sedimentary rock containing high amounts of phosphate minerals. Its deposits occur in extensive layers, which cumulatively cover 10.000 km² of the Earth's crust Rock phosphate can be solubilized to produce wet-process phosphoric acid or smelted to produce elemental phosphorus, being approximately 90% of the produced rock used as fertilizer and animal feed supplements.
Phosphorus-Phosphates Primary
Fluorine-Fluorite Secondary
Uranium Tertiary
Estimated Mineral Content
Phosphorus-Phosphates: Deposit bed is 2.3 FT THICK AT 36.8% P205 (Phosphorus), and 5.9 FT THICK AT 25.9%. With 20,000 Long tons of ore blocked out in 1932, currently estimated reserves total an additional 80,000 long tons, for a total of 100,000 long tons of blocked reserves. Worth an estimated $24,000,000 in fertilizer-grade phosphorous alone, not taking into account the additional rare earth elements.
An old blacksmith cabin from the 1960s is present near the old adit workings. The old equipment onsite includes a large smelting kiln, this further enforces the possibility of Gold being mined as a primary resource at one time or another.
A hand-timbered ore sorting bin is present just below the primary workings, the ore would have been loaded into the bin and slid down into waiting trucks on the lower road access.
A lower camping and staging area is accessible for recreational vehicles on the southern end of the claim parcel, with multiple camping and staging areas further up the old mine road and near the primary workings.
Water is accessible in the annual flowing creek near the road access.
This extremely secluded area is easily accessible with any 4x4 vehicle type and most 2wd higher clearance types.
A unique mineral property with excellent potential for fluorite crystal specimens, Gold, Silver, and high-grade Phosphorous ore.
Available for the beginning enthusiast up to an established mining company.